Day To Day Fund

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Fund Reports

Day to Day Fund Balance


Net Asset Value


7 Day Yield


*As of 2025-03-10

Key Features

  • Authorized investment under Florida law, F.S. 218.415 (16) (a). The Florida Trust is an intergovernmental investment pool created by interlocal agreement under F.S. 163.01.
  • Launched in 2009 and sponsored by the Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers and the Florida Association of Counties.
  • Day to Day New Account Form
  • AAAmmf rated by Fitch Ratings' Agency and structured to maintain liquidity, safety of principal, and maximize available yield through a balance of quality and diversification. Press release of latest rating affirmation can be found here.
  • Invests primarily in Repurchase Agreements, U.S. Treasuries, Mortgages, Commercial Paper and Certificates of Deposit, Government Related Securities, Asset-Backed Securities rated AAA or A-1, and Corporate Bonds rated A or better by Fitch Ratings'
  • Dollar In, Dollar Out—The fund will pay yield in the form of additional shares within the trust; the NAV of the fund is equal to $1.00.
  • Same day liquidity— There are no withdrawal restrictions. Make a transaction by 11:00 a.m. EST and funds will be wired by 1:00 p.m. the same day.
  • Online Account Management – Secure access to manage your account(s) and execute transactions via the World Wide Web.
  • This fund is designed to provide an investment diversification option, specifically to meet the cash management needs of Florida local governments.


Investment Advisor

Payden & Rygel

